Resolve Cleaning has provided services since 2004 to businesses and individuals in Cape Town, as well as the northern and southern suburbs. Endeavouring to ‘make a difference with one starfish,’ we strive to be the cleaning company of choice.

We value our clients and seek to build strong, long-term relationships with them, as well as deliver excellent client service. This is done by adopting, implementing and maintaining our Quality Management System, which is aligned to the ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management Standard. As a result, our working relationships have produced recurring business, and much of our growth has been through referrals.

We are also passionate about preserving our world and seek to reduce our environmental impact as a business entity through green initiatives. Currently 95% of the chemicals we use are biodegradable. We also use a green, waterless system to clean carpets and foam upholstery. Our eco-friendly approach also enables clients to enjoy a clean space with a reduced footprint on the environment.

How we differ from other cleaning companies

  • By aligning ourselves with likeminded business partners, we provide a comprehensive service offering, exclusive products, excellent service and competitive pricing.
  • Our Cleaning Officers are competent and skilled, as we believe in empowering and uplifting our people through training. This builds their sense of self-esteem and ownership.
  • We have a policy of on-site management. To ensure smooth operations, our Cleaning Officers report to a Supervising Officer on the floor.
  • Our staff is proud to be associated with the Resolve Cleaning brand. With each additional contract we gain, we promote from within. Our Cleaning Officers have the opportunity to grow and new staff members can acquaint themselves with our standards and ethics.


Founder and hands-on owner of Resolve, Shybon started her corporate career in 1992. From 2007 to 2011, she co-owned a boutique hotel, housing 16 bedrooms and an 80-seater restaurant. This experience gave her valuable insight to the hospitality industry, while her overall working experience has strengthened her business acumen and initiated the pursuit of her entrepreneurial side.

The launch of Resolve was initiated to satisfy the need in the cleaning industry for improved service, staff management and wellbeing. Realising the potential of her self-sustaining business, Shybon pursues the need it can satisfy for herself and clients.

Contact Shybon: 082 477 0996